Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Touching on the grateful


*The sun. Just the fact that the sun rises every morning and blesses the earth and it's occupants with radiant light and warmth is huge. This seems especially so when you are out walking at 6:15 and that beautiful sun hasn't come out from behind the clouds yet. When it did, it was positively Heavenly. 

*Cleaning. What a wonderful blessing that we can, with a little elbow grease and cleanser, wipe away all the smudges and black marks in, say, our kitchen - just to throw a wild example out there. Yes, that is what I cleaned today. Wouldn't it be terrible if we had to just live with all the fingerprints, fuzzies, muck, and grime that builds up from day to day? Wouldn't it be more awful if spiritually we had to live in a similar state? Ah, the wonderful feel of clean!

*Family: All family. Today, especially, the crazy family. The ones that drive you nuts at times, but the ones you stick with even if they're a little nutty. And you thank Heaven for them, because it gives you some assurance that they'll stick with you when you are also a little nutty.

Yep, definitely worthwhile.

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