Sunday, December 30, 2012

End of the year thoughts

I can't believe we are at the end of the year already.

It has been a good year-very full and very good.

I am grateful for the people in my life who make it busy but so worthwhile.

Today, my 10 year old kissed me on the cheek and twirled away in her new red Christmas dress like a dream. Her touch is so precious. I see a time in not too long, when I will miss it - when the opportunities to enjoy it will be few and far between.

She is beautiful.

She asked tonight if she couldn't use her Christmas money to help pay for my disabled sister's medications. She is learning, but still retains her helpful and compassionate heart-even though she can also stand up for herself and sometimes have her mother's temper. ;)

My eight year old has grown this past year. He is taller and taps wherever he goes. He taught a lesson on scriptures today for "home primary"-as my oldest calls it. (We were home sick today.)

He said the scriptures are powerful. They are our sword and as we read them we can get back to Heavenly Father. I love his testimony and determination to do what is right and do his best-even if it is hard. That is something his dad taught him early on. He has really taken it to heart. I really believe there is nothing he can't do-especially as he continues to keep his baptismal covenant, reading his scriptures and saying his prayers and rememberingm Christ.

My six year old has gotten a little whiny-we need to help him there, but he is still the best helper and big brother. He may get tired or frustrated, but it disappears instantly when he has found a way to help someone. He loves to make a difference.

He is also still so sweet and forgiving. He is tender-hearted but still rough and tumble boy.

I am grateful for my six year old!

My two year old is growing up fast. She astounds me with her full sentences and strong will. Her sweet smile and still-chubby form makes her absolutely addicting. She is growing up though and has started to feel the impact of defying mommy and daddy's will, where before she couldn't seem to understand why her siblings would ever "not listen".

I owe her more structure.

My sweetheart and I have grown too. It has been a difficult switch to take time and energy to plan growth for our marriage. I learn alot from him-like how I don't often think of how my actions impact him-and that affects him, how there are better ways to handle things than just off of emotion.

As for myself-I am a 30 year old red head. Married almost 12 years now and mother of four. I am a disciple of Christ, a homemaker (the most difficult and versatile job in the world), and a lover of music-especially hymns. I am an artist, a craft-er, a no-pattern seamstress, a singer, pianist, and snuggler. I love a good book, a rainy day, a good movie and a bed full of children to share it with, all cozy under covers with snacks to share. I love clean sheets and an empty sink. I enjoy flattering clothes but am most comfortable in yoga pants and a t-shirt. I aspire to be healthy and athletic and am an amateur nutritionist.

I love nature and being outdoors. I love to learn about and observe astronomical phenomenon. I love to journal write, do genealogy, and my favorite place to be-if I could have my way every day-is the temple.

I still have a temper, but it's getting better and I do poorly when I don't get sleep. I love mornings. I'd rather have sausage than bacon and orange juice than soda. I like the tart taste of real cranberry juice.

I am learning to be more accepting of people how they are but want to be careful to maintain my understanding of God's standards and defend what is right.

I love my family.

It's good to take stock now and again. :)

I am so grateful to God. Everything good in my life comes from Him.


  1. I never get enough of your thoughts. I'm so glad you blog. Thank you for always showing me how beautiful this world is through your eyes. Love you, my dear friend!

  2. Thank you Kerri! You lifted my night! love, jen
